Warning Signs Your Pet May Be in Pain

Warning Signs Your Pet May Be in Pain

Warning Signs Your Pet May Be in Pain

No one wants to see their pet suffering or in pain. Animals are instinctively wired to hide their pain or any signs of weakness. It can be difficult to know when your pet is sick or hurting. As a pet parent, you must learn to recognize subtle signs indicating your pet is in pain. Physical changes and certain behaviors can show that your pet is unwell and needs a visit to the vet. 


Physical Symptoms

If your pet is in pain, you may notice some physical changes or signs in its body. The signs include:

  • Shaking or trembling

  • Twitching or tight muscles

  • Excessive panting 

  • An arched back

  • Holding the head below the shoulders (hunched)

How your pet moves can indicate they are in pain. Changes in mobility can reveal an injury or illness. Common signs include limping, refusing to move, or moving slowly. Other things to observe are when a pet is reluctant to walk or climb stairs or when there is difficulty while standing or lying down.


Behavioral Symptoms


You may need to contact your vet if your pet's behavior differs. Changes in behavior can reveal your pet is in pain. The changes include:

  • Excessive licking on a particular area

  • Not wanting to be handled or touched

  • Unusual aggression

  • A change in sleeping habits

  • Restlessness


What Causes Pain in Pets


Just like humans, animals can suffer from chronic or acute pain. A sudden illness or injury can cause acute pain, while an ongoing health condition can lead to chronic pain. Anything that causes inflammation or destroys cells can cause pain. 

Pain can be due to soft tissue injuries such as strains, bruises, or sprains and damage to joints or bones. Pets also experience pain from dental issues, back problems, urinary tract infections, ear or skin infections, cancer, and more. Undergoing surgery can leave your pet in pain during the healing period.  


Visiting the Veterinarian


If you suspect your pet may be in pain, the best thing you can do is schedule a visit to the vet. The vet will perform a physical examination to determine the cause of the pain. It may be necessary to run diagnostic tests to find out the problem. 

The vet will prescribe the best treatment for your pet. If your pet shows signs of pain when performing certain activities, limit or stop the activity until you consult the vet. 


Treatment for Pain

You should never give your pet human pain medications as they could be dangerous. Visit the vet for the best pain management solution. The symptoms could indicate various ailments, and a detailed exam is necessary. 

The vet will carry out a diagnosis to determine the cause of the pain before developing the best treatment plan. The vet may recommend medications, supplements, or changes in diet, depending on the ailment. Sometimes, the vet may recommend physical rehabilitation to relieve the pain.

If you notice any physical or behavioral changes, visit the veterinarian. Ignoring subtle signs of pain could be a fatal mistake. 

For more warning signs your pet may be in pain, visit The Pets Place Animal Hospital at our Riverside, California office. Call (951) 684-2181 to schedule an appointment today.

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