


The Pets Place Animal Hospital Blog

Learn more about veterinary care in our blog!

What is a Reverse Sneeze, and Can it Hurt My Pet?

If you’ve been a dog owner for some time, particularly if you’ve had dogs with short snouts, such as Pugs or Boxers, chances are you’ve witnessed a reverse sneeze—a phenomenon fairly common in dogs but rarely seen in cats. These sudden, spasm-like outbursts consist of rapid inhalations through the nose followed by forceful honking sounds.

Breaking Down the Reverse Sneeze

A reverse sneeze, or paroxysmal respiration, occurs when your dog pulls air quickly in through the nose, as opposed to pushing it out like with a regular sneeze. This is often the result of an irritant affecting the nasopharynx, which is located at the back of the throat...

How to Give Your Pet a Safe and Stress-Free Christmas Holiday

Between the gifts, the shopping, the cooking, the holiday parties, and the houseguests, the Christmas holiday can be as trying as they are lovely. Unfortunately, your pets can sometimes feel the stress of the season, too...

Problematic Trends: Home Decor & Seasonal Trends Not Safe for Pets

Maybe it’s a collection of ceramic pumpkins, tinsel, or Christmas tree lights?  Maybe it’s that cheesy and somehow terrifying scarecrow your partner insists belongs by the front door? Anyway, the point is, to make sure your fun and festive decorations don’t unnecessarily put your pet in harm’s way...

Understanding Pet Diabetes

With over 10% of the population in the United States being affected by diabetes, almost all of us know a little bit about this chronic condition. Not as many people appreciate, however, that dogs and cats can be diagnosed diabetic as well. The Pet’s Place Animal Hospital feels that understanding pet diabetes is an important part of overall pet health care and is happy to share the basics.

Identifying Eye, Ear, and Nose Problems as Part of Pet Wellness Care

Part of good pet wellness care is just paying attention to your pet so that you can recognize that something is wrong. While all parts of your furry housemate and their habits are important, The Pets Place Animal Hospital thinks that the head is a good place to start...

How To Improve Pet Safety During the Back-to-School Season

Your pets have been content to have the children home all summer (and, perhaps even the school year, too). Now that schools have reopened, your pets may have some feelings about the kids being away...

Five Common Cat Conditions You Should Know About

At The Pet’s Place Animal Hospital, cats are kind of our business. We know a lot about them and the things that affect their health and we thought that it was time to share with you...

How to Ensure Pet Water Safety for Your Summer Fun

Summertime is perfect for fun days out by the pool, a swim in the lake, or a beach trip. The team at The Pet’s Place Animal Hospital has put together some tips to ensure water safety for your pet for summer fun...

What to Do If You Discover a Mass or Lump on Your Pet

Lumps, bumps, or masses on or under the skin are common occurrences in pets. Generally, a pet owner will discover these abnormal growths while petting or grooming their furry friend. When discovered, many pet owners immediately worry that their pet’s health is in danger or they have something serious wrong with them, like cancer.

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